How to care for your knits

     Wool knit sweaters are not only cozy and warm, but they also add a touch of elegance to your winter wardrobe. To ensure that your wool knit sweaters and accessories last for years to come, it's important to take proper care of them. Here are some essential tips for caring for your wool knit sweaters:

As an expert in the field, I often come across questions about the best way to wash wool knits. One common misconception I've noticed is the belief that wool should always be hand washed. However, I'm here to shed some light on the truth behind washing wool sweaters and knit accessories, and why machine washing may not be as detrimental as you might think. 

Many people are under the impression that wool should be hand washed to prevent shrinking, felting, or damaging the delicate fibers. While it is true that wool requires special care, not all wool garments are created equal. The key lies in understanding the specific type of wool used in your knits.

At SilentZ Knits, we take pride in crafting our beanies and all knit accessories with premium materials like merino wool, cashmere and cotton.These high-quality fibers are known for their durability and ability to withstand machine washing. In fact, our beanies are designed to be low-maintenance and convenient for everyday wear.


Hand washing vs machine washing

Despite the hand wash instructions, you may have come across, machine washing your sweaters and wool knits can be a safe and effective method of cleaning. However, there are a few important guidelines to follow to ensure the longevity of your knits:

Turn the garment inside out, cold wash, rinse cycle and natural soap.

Here is how I learned from my mom: Rinse cycle only with splash of baby soap.

So, here I changed the baby soap to Dr.Bronners castile soap for its natural properties and free of chemicals, also, I cant find the same soap my mom used. Rinse cycle is the shortest cycle on my washing machine and has the least agitation. I wash similar color knits all in same load. Soap amount--same like the softener amount you would normally use for any rinse cycle. I use about 1/4 cup per cycle, washing 3-4 sweaters. 

After the wash, hold the sweater at shoulders, shake gently in air to open and smoothen it and lay flat to dry. Steam or iron if needed when they are completely dry.

You will be amazed how your wool and cashmere sweaters will become so lofty and soft after the wash.

How to take care of pilling

Sweaters are a staple clothing item for many, but pilling can quickly give them a worn-out appearance. Pilling occurs when tiny balls form on the fabric due to wear and tear from washing or wearing. To maintain the quality of your sweaters, it is crucial to know the most effective methods for removing pilling. Whether you opt for do-it-yourself solutions like shaving tools and tennis balls or seek professional services, there are various approaches to tackle this issue.

If you want to eliminate pilling from your sweaters, using a fabric shaver/battery powered lint remover is the most effective method. Simply clean in a circular motion to achieve a smooth and pill-free surface.

Online platforms offer a wide range of fabric shavers to suit every budget.

How to store your knits

To preserve the quality of your knits, we strongly recommend to fold them instead of hanging them. Hanging sweaters can cause them to stretch and lose their shape over time.
Proper storage and cleaning can extend the life of your garments.